Grill Pizza

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Tools Used:

Pizza Stone

Pizza Cutter


Turn your grill on high with the pizza stone on the grill so it heats up. Ideally the grill should get to about 500.

1 large or 2 medium shallots – chopped
1 cup mushrooms, chopped
1 container of pancetta (from Trader Joes)
Pre-made pizza dough at room temperature (from Trader Joes) – or make your own
Garlic Sauce Spread (From Trader Joes)
1-2 containers of Crumbled Goat Cheese
Chopped fresh dill to top

Cornmeal for rolling out the crust

Cook the mushrooms, shallot and pancetta together in a pan to cook them through and soften them.

On a flat surface put some cornmeal down and then flatten out the dough

Cover the dough with the spread, all the way to the edges.

Add the cooked toppings (you can use what you want but the layer of flavor of the garlic spread, pancetta, shallots, mushrooms and goat cheese topped with the dill just is delicious together)

Cover the toppings with the goat Cheese

Put on the pizza stone on the grill for about 5 minutes, until the dough has risen and you can see the bottom is cooked

Add fresh dill on top and Enjoy


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